Welcome to Discover Yoga Discover You
Hi I’m Louise !
I'm a Full Time Hatha Vinyasa Yoga & Meditation Teacher (BSoM) and Tai Chi Shibashi Teacher Trainer and Instructor (TCfBH) based in Bristol, UK.
I didn’t take up Yoga until my early 50s due to mental and physical exhaustion running my own engineering business and due to a very challenging Menopause........but now I’ve left all that behind and......
I’m blessed to be a Full-Time Yoga and Meditation Teacher!
Yoga has literally changed my life and constantly inspires, drives and supports me to live a fully enriched life that I never knew I could have.
I now seek to teach what I love to my students – with an emphasis on introducing Yoga and Meditation to complete beginners as well as those who have an existing practice.
My passion is to support all of my students in their journey both on and off their mats via imaginative sequencing, a spirit of gentleness and playfulness and continued inspiration. I seek to help them thrive and deepen their practice into what they truly need in order to nurture their mind, body and soul.

I understand how intimidating the current world of Yoga practice can be (and I know this all too well because I felt truly terrified when I started!
The most common things I hear from students is....
“I’m not flexible enough”
I’m not fit enough”
“I’m just too old now”
But that’s why we DO Yoga! Yoga helps us work towards improving our flexibility, strength and good physical mental health - and all in a Non-Judgemental and Non-Competitive, fully supportive environment.
How magic is that!!?
So, you won’t find me on Instagram in fancy clothes, in gravity defying headstands or
tying myself in knots
Yoga is so much more than poses!
"Yoga is the journey of the self – through the self –
to the self "
(The Bhagavad Gita)
So, come join us ...
Discover Yoga and Discover YOU
Real Yoga - Real People - Real Results
Did you know you can also practice Yoga and Tai Chi using a Seat?
You'll get all the same benefits and all the fun!

Still feeling hesitant?
Then why not come along and try a class with me for just £5, online or in-person and
just see how you feel?
I promise that everyone attending has the same level of insecurities over their bodies, their flexibility and their confidence etc.
We are all in this together – but what connects us all is a lively determination deep inside to improve our health and well-being both physically and mentally.
Come along and join one of my friendly, supportive groups and see how real yoga can be for real people!